Saturday, September 16, 2006

Suntok Sa Buwan

I'll be 23 on tomorrow!

Am I stirred up? I guess not much. You see, I am a female Scrooge. Birthdays, Christmas and rainy days are all the same to me. Nothing really special but am looking forward for a warm hug from my Hon and warm smiles from my siblings and friends. Some find me weird or to a certain extent, evil (bless their soul) but my complexities and idiosyncrasies make me ME.


I mean, I am not afraid to be against the flow. I dare say, I am not your usual almost 23 year old popsy.You see, I am just a low maintenance kind of girl. I am so easy to please sometimes to a fault (that's my Mom talking). Growing up (or up until I was in high school),
my parents made sure that I didn't get what I didn't need and at that time, I really thought that was inquitable because I know they sure can afford. But as I grew older, I've learned that life is not about what you wear (although, you really cannot make me wear anything from ukay
ukay) but what is really important is what you feed your mind and soul. Don't get me wrong, I am about being pretty and neat too (go, ask my friends and siblings) but there's more to life than being just that.

Oh well, enough of my smart alecs whatever. Like any other normal people, I too have some birthday wish list - and here it goes:

1. That Philippines is no longer the world's super maids.
2. That we're no longer sending our doctors, teachers, nurses and even engineers abroad to work as maids.
3. That people abroad won't tag a pinoy as a liar, swindler and yes, maid.
4. That parents will start sending their kids to school and get a degree instead of making them audition, forget about school and be the next big star.
5. That people will start to realize that being stupid (or acting like one) is not cute, for crying out loud!
6. A new bag, new pair of flats and a good book.
7. And yes, world peace. Haha.