Monday, June 29, 2009

Gran Torino

You have to forgive me for publishing this way too late. My NY-based friend, Yuri has been flooding my Inbox – nudging me non stop to post my thoughts on this another Clint Eastwood masterpiece, Gran Torino. His nudging has become unbearable already, I have to give in.

This movie did not make it to the Oscars but made a huge tilt in the box office and yes, tugged this heart of mine (cheesy, I know!).

Gran Torino revolved around the latter life of Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) and his “unique” relationship with other people surrounding him. Walt, a Korean War veteran who just lost his wife at the onset of the movie is a very grumpy and scary old man who does not really care much on other people other than his dog, Daisy, his very lovely vintage 1972 Gran Torino car and his lawn.

His seemingly “peaceful” life was suddenly altered when Walt got himself involved in the lives of his Hmong neighbors.

One of his Hmong neighbor is a very bashful teenager boy named Thao (whom Walt endeared as Toad) who seemed to be struggling to fit in the American society – well given the fact that they’re immigrants. To toughen him up, Spider – a cousin of his has been nudging him to join his gang. Initially, Thao has been rejecting this invitation but gave in later on.

As part of his initiation, he was tasked to steal the vintage Gran Torino lovingly owned by Walt. While pained with hesitation, Thao still went on in trying to steal the car – only that he got caught. When Thao’s Mom learned about this, she tapped her son to work for Walt for dishonouring their family. The offer did not sit well with Walt initially but took the “challenge” just the same.

Soon after days of having Thao around, Walt started to finally “loosen up” and enjoyed being with Thao. Walt treated him as a friend – lent and bought him tools, walked him around the neighborhood and introduced him to a friend who owns a construction where Thao was accepted to work.

As their friendship deepened, Spider started to create more chaos on Thao and his family. Once on his way home from work, Spider and his crew cornered him – beat him up, burned a part of his face with a cigarette and stole Thao’s working tools which Walt bought for him. When Walt found out about this, he ganged up on one of Spider’s friend - beating the hell out of him.

It did not take long before Spider and his gang retaliated – a shooting spree at Thao’s family home soon happened. While the incident was reported to the police, the officers could not press charges on Spider and his crew due to lack of evidence and nobody in their area wanted to testify, fearing that they’ll be Spider’s next target.

But something happened that did not sit very, very well with Walt. Sue, Thao’s older sister was beaten and ravaged by Spider and his crew.

Soon, Walt decided to take this matter on his hands by tackling Spider and his crew head on.

Hours before he confronts Spider and his crew, Walt finally took a confession – something his parish priest has been nudging him to do so since the death of Walt’s wife, had a haircut, shopped for a suit and cleaned his rifles.
At dawn, Walt locked Thao on his house basement simply because he did not want to tag him along as he tackles Spider and his crew. As he puts it, “You have your whole life ahead of you, whereas this is what I do. I finish things.” Gran Torino is a wonderfully made movie. It did not disappoint at all. What with the storytelling it awesomely boasts, this movie really tugged my heart.

After watching the movie, I wondered out loud - why did it not make it to the roster of movies in 2008 Oscar’s. I mean, did you see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button? It was not even an acting masterpiece nor was it faithful to the original story written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Well, that’s a different story altogether.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Gone Too Soon

Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight
Here one day,
Gone one night.

Like a sunset,
Dying with the rising of the moon
Gone too soon.

His death came as a bolt from the blue to me – ditto to the rest of the world. While I never considered myself a fan, what with his eccentricity overshadowing his musical flair, for awhile I was in a few second limbo when I found out Micheal Jackson has passed away.

Yes, him. The King of Pop is dead.

I was not around yet or probably too young to appreciate “Thriller” when it became such a hit and made him King of Pop but he was “Heal the World” and “Gone Too Soon” for me. I remember my elementary Glee Club moderator asking me to study “Heal the World” in preparation for the UN’s day, which our primary school celebrated annually. That was when I knew him. He was that man with a weird cum scary face who campaigned for making our world a better place to live in through his song.

Fast forward to December 10th 1996, I was one of those millions of people who watched him showcase his talent when he visited the Philippines for a couple of concerts. He was super! For a 13 year old me (then), watching a major superstar perform right before my very eyes, on my native land was a hit. He was really such a great performer! He gave his all, to everyone’s delight.

To me, that was Michael Jackson.

Although his weirdness was really to the highest level (have you seen his face on recent photos before his death?), one can not deny that MJ made the world sing and dance to every beat of his songs. And yes, probably contributed in uniting different colors and races through his music.

Yes, may his soul rest in peace.

*photo c/o People

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dare You

As of this writing, the number of confirmed Influenza cases has skyrocketed to 473 – that number alone, scares the wit out of me. Blaming it on this OC-ness trait I most probably got from Mom, I have developed this certain paranoia. But mind you – this paranoia does not need any confinement of some sort; I am just pretty much concerned about this virus spreading like anything.

Several weeks ago, I rushed to a drugstore to get myself a couple of masks, just in case. While on queue to purchase this “just in case kit”, I was a not so proud recipient of some weird looks. I swear! They looked at me like I was a freak. After a few minutes of waiting for my turn, the cashier probably could no longer contain herself, bravely asked me – “Ma’am, may swine flu po ba kayo?” Suddenly, everything made sense. The looks. The whisper. Now, I get it. Everyone in that drugstore thought I was infected by this influenza A virus. The hell?!

I smiled back at her and politely replied that thankfully, I don’t have the virus. I was just being a happy paranoid. After saying that, she smiled and shed out a sound of relief – obviously expressing how relieved she was after knowing that I wasn’t infected.

Oh well.

What scares me more about this virus is that – we seem to be taking it very lightly. I don’t know about you but I have seen a number of people cough up without covering their mouths and a couple times, I saw people spitting wherever they felt like spitting! How gross is that?!

Please don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to paint myself as some uber sensitive brat nor am I trying to demean other people; I am just trying to point that in these times when such a virus is spreading and infecting so many countries like anything, it pays to be VERY hygienic.

It does not cost anyone much to wash his or her hands often. It does not take much effort to cover one’s mouth when s/he has to sneeze or cough up. And seriously, why some people have to spit anywhere, whenever they had the urge to do so?

So I dare you, help stop spreading the virus.

Watch your hygiene, please?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My teenage self...

... is bound to resurface pretty soon. And my man will probably shake his head in disbelief that his w to be is still going nuts over this Edward Cullen character and the boy who portrays him, Robert Pattinson.

What can I say? I've been bitten.

*2nd and 3rd photo c/o GQ

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Disclaimer: Some cluttered thoughts by a Sudoku addict.

This addiction started in late 2007, when one boring day I surfed the Internet and searched for something that could “tickle” my brain. I tried answering a bunch of crossword puzzles, reading movie reviews and some blogs, only to realize that answering online crossword is not the remedy for my terribly growing boredom sickness.

And then I came across Sudoku.

Intrigued by the term itself, I browsed the help menu to see how this thing works. Soon, I found myself getting a scratch of paper – randomly trying to decipher each box. After completing my first box, I knew I was up for something that can seriously tickle my bored mind at that moment. Imagine the Eureka moment for me when I completed my first set. It was like successfully running your first program in Turbo C!

Since then, I got hooked. I must’ve stormed National Bookstore many times over just to get Sudoku puzzles – easy and difficult, I don’t give a damn. Haha.

Today, I have beaten my personal record. I have finished and correctly answered 15 sets of Sudoku puzzles in 79 minutes!

Geeky? Nah. While some would answer crossword puzzles, solve riddles and what have you's - mine is Suduko.

So, yes - mind your own brain. Haha.

Monday, June 8, 2009


It puzzles me
why some people
have these tendencies
to become obnoxious.

Show them
your kindness,
they embrace it, for awhile
then, abuse it.

It puzzles me
why some people
refuse to see you
the way you should
be seen.

Show them
the kind of person
that you have always been
yet, they abuse you.

It puzzles me
why some people
pretend to care
when actually they’re not.

Show them
give them your heart,
she them you care -
yet, they abuse you.

It puzzles me
why people you think
to be on your side –
ended up hurting you.

Then I realize,
we are on earth –
not in heaven.
No such thing as perfect.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Full of Self



Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dear Mom

Dear Mom,

Today, as you turn a notch “wiser”, I could not help but be amazed and feel extremely blessed that I have someone like you with me. I know that we are never the Mom and Daughter team to beat but much of the values I embrace now are influenced by you.

From my insanely flair with anything attitude to being a sucker for anything true – without a shadow of doubt, I am my mother’s daughter.

We may have our differences and you would still sometimes yakk about some “crazy” things about me – from my undying love for Matchbox to my good old meme – yet you would respect me for whoever I am.

Now that I am pretty much have grown a little older – I now have a clearer understanding of why you would “demand” a lot of difficult things from me. I now fully comprehend why it is important to stay on the ground, that it pays to be honest, to be frugal at times and to give up one self for those you love.

In all my adult sorrows and ravaging painful experiences, you have seen me through. You are that driving force that always made me want to be faithful and tough. In those times when I would want to give up, your words will always find me – reminding me that I am created to do more than just good.

You have seen me go through the rigorous pain of betrayal, loss, heartbreak and certain tragedy – yet, you never forced yourself on me. You always wait for me to speak, when I am ready. You just simply know that I need to tackle some things by myself first – that I need to learn to find my own way. And when I could not, your voice would soothe me – as if giving me hints on where I should go.

I know that motherhood is both a gift and a lifetime career – being a Mom simply does not end when your children finished school or when they reached 18. And as I grow older, I could not help but shake my head and say, “Mom was right.”

You my greatest gift from God, Ma.

There’s no other way that I could ever be me if not for you.

I thank the Lord for you.

Happy Birthday!

I love you,