Monday, August 18, 2008

First Time

After dinner at Avenetto last night with some of the colorful acts of IE-EMG Student Council 06-07, I felt a huge lump in my throat when I heard that we're playing Bowling. I've never played the game in my entire life. Serious. I just didn't like the idea of carrying a heavy ball like that. I can volley a ball (played competitively in my college years), swim, dive and ride a skateboard but never had the guts to try bowling.

My beau's constant prodding and sweetest talks did the trick for me. I just gave in.

Just for the kicks, I carried my first pink 7 pounder ball and hit 9 pins in my first go. I screamed my sanity out. Soon, I got pretty much comfortable in my awkward, unguarded moments with the group.

On our way home, with my hand clasped with my Hon's, I can't stop smiling and feeling really good about conquering that 7 pound pink ball. Unlike Romeo and Ram, I did not score the highest but I sure was the happiest girl.

To Olive, Jelai, Romeo, Ima, Carla, Ram and Mik - thank you for the wonderful experience. I really had a great time.
One more game soon, yes?

To Hon - thank you for nudging me non-stop.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Not You

Simply because...
You are too strong yet too fragile for me.

Although you smell good, your nails are long.
You see, long fingernails for boys turn me off.
Every girl in school wants you.
Limelight hugs you because of your boy-next-door looks,

Too bad, I never liked the limelight.

Some weeks ago, you surprised me with your antics.

As much as I'd like to give you an A for your efforts,

Sadly, I hate surprises.

You're famous, alright. But does not bite me at all.
I'm just not the type who'd take everything -
I leave some for others to "feast".
Age does not matter, I know -

But you're way too young for me.

I'm maybe too young to be old,

Too old to be young -
But I promise you,

I'm the oldest 24 turning 25 year old girl you'll ever know.
And just in case, I haven't told you yet -
I am already committed.
Yes, to the same man for the past 5 years

You are a good person,T.
But there's nothing more I could offer you -
Other than exchanges of hi's and hello's.